«Un savant mélange de trois choses c'est bien déja prouvé. Les A sont sélectionnés par les B.
Et il y a les C.. eux, se taisent pour survivre et laissent aller les choses. Pas rassuré du-tout!»
Jean Hémond de Quebec 17 mars 2012 à 22 h 11 HAE
«Ha ha ha !! J'adore l'humour des anglos-saxons.»
Bruno Breton de Québec 15 mars 2012 à 22 h 15 HAE
«Ce n'est pas la première et dernière fois que le Canada se fait passé un sapin par la Grande-Bretagne. Le Canada avait acheté au cours de la deuxième guerre mondiale , 50 vieilles corvettes de nos amis britaniques , vous savez quoi ? elles aussi prenaient l'eau.»
Maurice Lafrance de donnacona 15 mars 2012 à 22 h 31 HAE
« Soyons doux et humbles de coeur. Et espérons que personne ne trouvera le Canada sur la carte du monde. »
Matilde Brockert de Montréal 16 mars 2012 à 13 h 10 HAE
«Le très p'tite Démocratie qu'on avait, n'est plus qu'une momie toute difforme !»
Robert Paradis de Boucherville 16 mars 2012 à 09 h 18 HAE
"Alors il reste les politiciens. Qu'est-ce qu'ils connaissent en ingénierie naval?"
«Rien mais en ristourne dans un compte de banque en Suisse ils en connaissent un rayon!!!
Laurent Voyer de Montreal 16 mars 2012 à 09 h 28 HAE
«Pour parler clairement on savait au Canada certainement dans les cercles initiés des sous-mariniers que ces vaisseaux étaient virtuellement de la ferraille selon leur couts réels d'entretien, de réfection, et leur capacité d'intervention. On n'avait qu'à additionner les factures et vérifier les rapports de sorties. Mais les a t'on seulement examinés? C'est pour cela que la GB s'en débarassait. En plus c'était de la très vielle technologie tout a fait inutile m^me au Canada sauf pour donner le change dans un pays du tiers monde et s'entrainer. Alors pour se faire rembourser la facture on repassera je crois bien!»
Jean Hemond de Quebec 16 mars 2012 à 10 h 09 HAE
«Pour préciser pourquoi ces achats de sous marins furent une probable compensation diplomatique pour se justifier de ne rien faire et non pas une véritable acquisition, une tentative d'explication.
«On se remémore que le Canada avait lancé à grands renforts de publicité un concours pour des sous-mains conventionnels. Trois ou quatre groupes Français, Allemands, Britannique, Danois on présenté force de propositions. le groupe britannique avait pour un ensemble de raisons d'ordre militaires certainement la faveur.
«Il y aurait possiblement eu de la part des autorités canadiennes des engagements disons informels, qui n'ont pas étés tenus cela avec le grand président de l'entreprise, Un Canadien d'ailleurs!
«Comment ces achats plutôt incongrus de vieux sous-marins ont pu se traduire en avantages pour le Consortium Britannique je ne saurais préciser le cheminement de ces faveurs.»
Jean Hemond de Quebec 16 mars 2012 à 10 h 44 HAE
«Par peur d'être censuré, je ne mettrai plus le nom de la personne responsable de ce gâchis! Mais, il n'y a pas eu que les sous-marins, le projet Nightstar a été, lui aussi récupéré par ce même ministre anglo-canadien. » Jacques Vandersleyen de Lévis 18 mars 2012 à 12 h 08 HAE
«Le Canada est la poubelle de l'Angleterre» Un spécialiste en transport
Marco Fortier
Journal de Montréal
«Yay ! We fired a torpedo finally....
«Lookout world..we are now a force to be reckone....huh... whaddya mean we only had one torpedo????» Sejanusstandard 2012/03/16 at 4:08 PM ET
«Borrowed from the US.....»
Right is Rightstandard 2012/03/16 at 4:52 PM ET
«nope bought from the US i imagine....they don't like us enough to give them to us..»
HansSmedbolstandard 2012/03/16 at 6:00 PM ET
«Breaking news - due to the firing of our best torpedo, Peter MacKay has a foot injury.»
Sam Jenkinsstandard 2012/03/16 at 11:04 PM ET
«Purchased in 1998 and now, 14 years later it fires its first torpedo and the Navy states:
"these trials (le test de la torpille) represent a major milestone for the Victoria-class subs"
«This is taking "spin doctoring" to a whole new level.»
Mark 138standard 2012/03/16 at 4:08 PM ET
«Did they hit anything or is that another level yet again?»
Mikegrantstandard 2012/03/16 at 11:39 PM ET
«The firing of torpedos should have been part of the tire kicking stage before these submarines were purchased ...
«after all the time and additional money spent these things should be not only able to fire torpedos but they should be able to sprout wings and make the purchase of F-35's unnecessary.»
E-techstandard 2012/03/17 at 8:25 AM ET
«A billion dollars a shot! What a st... deal! »
«I didn't say the subs cost a billion dollars I said firing that shot cost a billion dollars. Given the endless man hours, refits, upgrades, dry dock fees, training, etc.»
GlenRCstandard 2012/03/16 at 4:10 PM ET
«A billion dollars a shot! What a st... deal! »
«I didn't say the subs cost a billion dollars I said firing that shot cost a billion dollars. Given the endless man hours, refits, upgrades, dry dock fees, training, etc.»
GlenRCstandard 2012/03/16 at 4:10 PM ET
«At that rate, if we raised Corporate income tax one point, we'd afford 6 torpedoes a year!
Because I'm sure there's nothing better we could spend that money on.»
Woodrovstandard 2012/03/16 at 4:21 PM ET
«What exactly is the use of these things?
«Clearly, if we needed them at any point in the last 14 years to actually engage in combat, they couldn't do it. And they still couldn't now.
«It's also a very big statement about Canada's military when we HOPE to have 3 of the 4 actually working a full 15 years after we bought them.
«If these are the standards that we have then we may as well just cut our losses and sell them for scrap metal.
«Or we could hold out hope that maybe our grandchildren will live to see a day when these subs are all operational.
«Of course, they'll probably be obsolete by then, if they aren't already, but apparently that's what we're all about.»
free902standard 2012/03/16 at 4:29 PM ET
«Even if the purchase was remotely sensible in 1998,
«and even if they hadn't lost a crew member due to a very stupid act of keeping a hatch open under way in open waters,
«and even if they had thought twice about refitting the subs. with new USA missiles,
«and even if they hadn't hit a rock,
«or even if they weren't going to cost a couple more billion $$$ to make operational,
«or even if they hadn't found out they are rust buckets and can't dive beyond what you and I and a pair of flippers can do,
«Just what bloody use are they to Canada in 2015? Why not go out and buy some US Civil War submarine like the H.L.Hunley?
PeterFstandard 2012/03/16 at 4:35 PM ET
«Dont you need more then one boat to have a fleet? »
jaypee13standard 2012/03/16 at 4:26 PM ET
«We had two but they hit the other one with our national torpedo.»
Sam Jenkinsstandard 2012/03/16 at 11:07 PM ET
«actually they were designed in the 1970's but only saw service from 1990-93, during which they had expensive renos to allow them to actually fire their own British torpedoes...they only made four of them, and we stupidly bought them after the Brits quickly realised that they were losers.... only three years of service, part of which was in drydock getting refitted for the torpedo systems...sounds like a pattern, which has continued to this day.»
«Normally I wouldn't say a submarine firing a torpedo is a news worthy event. However, since it took 14 yrs to fire 1 torpedo, I would say it is newsworthy»
«Now who in this modern times are they going to use this sub against?
«They're offering a reward for the recovery of their torpedo»
36 (40)
*«actually they were designed in the 1970's but only saw service from 1990-93, during which they had expensive renos to allow them to actually fire their own British torpedoes...they only made four of them, and we stupidly bought them after the Brits quickly realised that they were losers.... only three years of service, part of which was in drydock getting refitted for the torpedo systems...sounds like a pattern, which has continued to this day.»
HansSmedbolstandard 2012/03/16 at 6:18 PM ET
«Normally I wouldn't say a submarine firing a torpedo is a news worthy event. However, since it took 14 yrs to fire 1 torpedo, I would say it is newsworthy»
Swifthawkstandard 2012/03/16 at 4:30 PM ET
«No enemy? Do you think they tell you years in advance, Hey we;re going to attack so you better start building your military. only a leftard thinks there is no enemy.
North Korea, Syria, Iran, perhaps China, heck even Spain invaded our waters in the 90s with fishing boats and we could do nothing, except send an email. No it's time Canada stood strong and proud again»
FromTheHammer2standard 2012/03/16 at 5:55 PM ET
«Come on people, you have to see the humour in this, I mean it ranks right up there with sending our army into a desert war wearing camo green.»
Olwyleestandard 2012/03/16 at 4:53 PM ET
What's the best way to wreck a Canadian submarine?
Put it in the water.»
Dennis Bradystandard 2012/03/16 at 5:01 PM ET
«We didn't have any torpedo's on board. Has anyone seen the captain?»
[Il aurait été envoyé dans le tube lance-torpille!]
Lintmintstandard 2012/03/16 at 5:03 PM ETTorpedo?
«Now who in this modern times are they going to use this sub against?
«Wars have advanced to nuclear, biological, and terrorist fighting.
«What Canada requires are methods and experts to resolve conflicts.
«To the Con Gov of Canada stop using womens tax money on guys war toys.»
Ms Altastandard 2012/03/16 at 5:58 PM ET
«if we can't demonstrate a physicl presence in areas we claim (e.g. the newly opening Arctic sea lanes), then we will effectively forfiet these claims to others who can.»
«I'm no international lawyer, but I don't think you are correct... In order to cross through the Northern Passage you need to pass through Canadian waters and there for Canada is saying the passage should be considered Canadian...
«The US is arguing that it is an international water way like many of the other areas that are required for shipping and passage of goods and people...
«The Internation Courts will ultimately decide the fate of the Northern Passage, not military might...
«If it was based on Military might, we would need many many many more subs and ships, plus an assortment of missiles and weapons to compete...
International boundries for land in the north are basically set other than some minor disputes with Norway over an uninhabitated island...
«If a nation tries to take a piece of our land, that is an act of war and the UN would impose measures on the hostile party accordingly, like what happened with Hussien took Kuwait...
Carpnerstandard 2012/03/17 at 10:47 PM ET
«I think they should make the entire SUB into a torpedo. And steer it remotely.»
Tom Archerstandard 2012/03/16 at 6:08 PM ET
The Canadian Navy of Yesterday & Today
World War II Canadian Ship Listing
«They're offering a reward for the recovery of their torpedo»
stan-the-manstandard 2012/03/16 at 6:28 PM ET
«Wow, what a vulgar display of power! Who are we hoping to defend ourselves from with these 4 relics?
«They will either hit bottom, suffer friendly fire damage, or get blown outta the water by some rogue 3rd world country.»
Vanisle09standard 2012/03/16 at 7:19 PM ET
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15 mars 2012 à 22 h 10 HAE
Mar 16, 2012
CBC News
665 commentaires